Now that you have data loaded, you can add some style so that the data is represented on the map in a useful way. We're going to look at two or three styling options and try them out.
Note: Styling is a huge field, and we can only scratch the surface here. If you have time after you have completed the exercises below, explore the other styling options in the
First we'll look at the data itself.
Open Attribute Table
button in the toolbar, and click itStyle
option - you will see a screen like this The first thing to decide is how you want your styling to be driven - this is set using the button at the top left of the style dialogue.
The options are:
Single symbol
: show all the points in the same way (for example to mark all settlements with a red circle)Categorized
: show points differently based on the value of one of the fields (for example to show settlements with a different coloured circle depending on the province they are in)Graduated
: show points differently depending on a classification (for example to show settlements based on the population banding they fall into)In this exercise, we are going to use the Graduated
option, but have a look at the others later.
field, select Pop_1
- this is the column we will use to drive the styleColour Ramp
to represent the dataMode
field, select Quantile
to allocate the data points to the classification value bandsOK
Styling needs careful thought to make sure that your map represents the data in a way which is meaningful to the user - this is the art of cartography! In practice this usually means trying out options, and seeing what looks best - then getting some user feedback (e.g. from your neighbour). Spend a few minutes trying out styles.
Here are a few things to look at:
Advanced > Size scale field
to vary the size of the symbol depending on the value of a field (e.g. Pop_1
). If the symbols are too big, change the settings for the size of the symbol until it looks right (the method for this depends on the type of styling).Heat map
option in the style type selector at top left.Open Library